
QuickField™ is a highly efficient Finite Element Analysis package for electromagnetic, thermal, and stress design simulation with coupled multi-field analysis. It combines a family of analysis modules using the latest solver technology with a very user-friendly model editor (preprocessor) and a powerful postprocessor.
With simple parametric modeling tool LabelMover included into the family of Utilities, converts complicated analysis problems to succession of simple steps, controlled by few mouse clicks.
It fully utilizes the advantages of a modern operational environment. It is very compact, yet powerful, and can be used for many design applications.
Highlighted Features of QuickField

2D field view with four post postprocessor windows.
Proprietary solver technology for extreme efficiency, with their equivalent circuit (RLC) analysis.
Export/Import for MATLAB, Solid Works and other FEM based softwares.
ACTIVE FIELD environment for C/C++/C#, VB6, Delphi platforms.
Rich library support for material properties.
No limitation on model size or number of elements.
Extremely fast meshing time using moderate resources.
Smart LABEL MOVER for varying model analysis.
Batch solving technique for multiple problem analysis.
Batch solving technique for multiple problem analysis.
Anisotropic & Isotropic media support.
Capacitance matrix calculation.
Field distribution along with contour harmonic analysis.
QuickField consists of several modules for particular analysis types. Each analysis package includes a model editor (preprocessor) and a postprocessor. Our solvers are based on the latest computational technology, and provide you with extreme efficiency. The types of packages depend upon the problem formulations and are briefly described below.
Analysis Packages
The electrostatic module can be used to design and analyze a variety of capacitive systems such as fuses, transmission lines and so forth. This module works on the principles of Poisson's Equation.
Transient Magnetics
The Transient magnetics module is applicable for studies of switch on/off modes, failures, AC excitation of devices with non-linear magnetic materials; pulses in power electronic equipment and variety of other processes and devices where AC or DC approaches don't work.
DC Magnetics
The Transient magnetics module is applicable for studies of switch on/off modes, failures, AC excitation of devices with non-linear magnetic materials; pulses in power electronic equipment and variety of other processes and devices where AC or DC approaches don't work.
AC Magnetics
The AC magnetic module can be used for time harmonic eddy current analysis. For a given frequency, it can analyze the magnetic field caused by alternating currents and, vise versa. This package is ideal for designing induction heating devices, transformers, solenoids, electric motors, and many other types of inductors.
Magnetostatic Analysis
Magnetic analysis is used to design or analyze variety of devices such as solenoids, electric motors, magnetic shields, permanent magnets, magnetic disk drives, and so forth.
DC Conduction
The DC conduction module can be used to design and analyze variety of conductive systems.
AC Conduction
The AC conduction module can be used to analyze electric field caused by time-harmonic voltages applied.Generally the quantities of interest in AC conduction analysis are voltages, active and reactive currents, electric fields, Joule losses, capacitances, and electric forces.
Stress analysis
The stress analysis module can be used to design and analyze many different mechanical and electrical components.
Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer module analyze thermal temperature distribution, thermal gradients, and heat losses. The module is based on heat conduction equation with convection and radiation boundary conditions.
Results provided by QuickField
Magnetic flux density, field intensity, field gradient, magnetic potential, permeability, energy, self and mutual inductances, MMF, current density, voltages, Joule losses, magnetic energy, AC impedances, surface energy, Mean square strength, electric field, power losses, active/reactive current through a surface, avg. volume density, avg. volume strength, displacement current densities, flux densities (electric displacements), displacements, stress components, principal stresses, Von Mises, Treska, Mohr-Coulomb and Drucker-Prager criteria, and other integral quantities.
Most quantities are presented in amplitude-phase form (complex numbers) as well as time-averaged, and RMS values (where applicable).
We are authorized and sole distributor for "Quickfield" software for Indian region.
Tera Analysis Ltd
Knasterhovvej 21,
DK-5700 Svendborg, Denmark
Phone: +45 6354 0080
Fax : +45 6254 2331
E-mail: sales@quickfield.com
For more information, applications notes, presentation, evaluation please visit www.quickfield.com
Note : ni logic pvt. ltd. is authorized all India distributor & promoters from Tera Analysis, Denmark.