TS 7300
The TS-7300 is a compact Single Board Computer based upon the Cirrus EP9302 ARM9 CPU and set of on-board peripherals. The board is equipped with an SD-card which contains the OS.
Inputs and Outputs
The board is equipped with a Cyclone II FPGA with predefined configuration providing the following IO (not all inputs and outputs can be used at the same time)
Digital Inputs
2 x Quadrature Encoder Input. The Encoder Input can have no reset and a reset on positive or negative index pulse.
2 x Edge Counter Input. The Edge Counter Input can have no reset and a reset on positive or negative edge.
8 x Digital Input. Binary input.
Digital Outputs
2 X Pulse Width Modulation Output. Pulse Width Modulation output e.g. used to drive a motor via a H-Bridge.
8 x Digital Output. Binary output.
2 x LED. Two LED's are present on the board.
To run the TS-7300 board with 20-sim 4C, you need the following hardware and software:
A PC with an ethernet connection running Windows XP or higher.
20-sim 4.0 Professional or higher.
20-sim 4C 1.1 or higher.
A TS-7300 SD-Card.
You can extend the TS-7300 board with the following hardware:
TS-9700 analog data acquisition board.
TS-ADC16 analog data acquisition board.
More Information
Controllab Products B.V.Hengelosestraat 705
7521PA Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel : +31 (0)53 483 6434
Email : info@20sim.com
Web : www.20sim4c.com
Note : ni logic pvt. ltd. is authorized distributor for Asia Pacific region from Controllab Product BV, Netherland.